Saturday, 10 December 2011

Zim Teams Exit after Octo-finals

Three Zimbabwe teams broke to the Octo-finals in PAUDC - National University of Science and Technology (NUST) from Bulawayo, Lupane State Universtity (LSU)from Matabeleland North, and Africa University (AU) from Mutare.

The Octo-final motion was: This house would ban the payment of bride price.
NUST Team B (given the name Gambia for the tournament) were Closing Opposition.

Mlungele Nsikane and Negus Shonhiwa gave stirring performances, incorporating valid extensions, rebuttals and analyses. However, competition was stiff and they did not quite make it. Nevertheless, in the PAUDC rankings they hope to rank at 25th and 26th.

Unfortunately, hopes of breaking to the quarter-finals were dashed for all three Zimbabwean teams. After the announcement of quarter-finalists, the Zimbabwe teams gathered to commiserate and do a post-mortem. Some reasons suggested for failing to break to the quarter-finals were:

- Not enough international exposure.
- Linked to this, inadequate funding for tournament attendance.
- Insufficient recognition and support from Zimbabwean universities and society at large.
- Insufficient training and practice (within debate clubs, within institutions).
- Insufficient feedback - geared towards eliminating errors and enhancing debate performance.
- Not properly ascertaining, before entering debates, crucial significances: i.e. why it is that we are debating this motion, why it matters and what are the fundamental issues? (This is where the South African teams outshone everyone else).
- Argument extensions need work. i.e. What constitutes a valid and persuasive extension?
- More attention to structure and specific role-fulfilment.

Nevertheless, considering that Nationals have not been going long in Zimbabwe and students have largely organised and trained themselves, I think the teams from the host nation can hold their heads up high. In any event, they have made valuable international friendships, joined a large network of African debaters, public speakers and adjudicators, and gained immeasurably from the experience.

With the necessary support, I have no doubt they will rise to the challenge of PAUDC next year in Pretoria!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your informative blog. This is the first so far with pictures, and articles relating the ZIMBABWE PAUDC 2011. EXCELLENT WORK!!!1
